Monday, February 1, 2010

SLIS 5720 - Blog 1 - Individual Technology Assessment

As an educator, what are your present strengths and weaknesses in technology? How do you plan to use your strengths? How do you plan to address the weaknesses?

My greatest strength when technology is concerned is my willingness to try anything and keep an open mind. I also think my willingness to ask questions is a strength. Technology is rapidly changing and there is always someone who can help explain the newest trends. Whether it be someone directly involved with the creation of the technology, or just simply someone who loves to learn new things, you can always find help when you need it. My weaknesses where technology are concerned would probably be time constraints on learning new technology as well as the lack of time to really explore in depth the many advances made everyday. I plan on being a good example for my students by showing them it's ok to ask questions and work together on learning new technologies. I will address my weaknesses by setting aside time to spend making myself familiar with new developments even if I am not able to fully explore them. By just being familiar I can at least provide my students with a starting point to new experiences.

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